Sample Complaint Letter to Landlord about Noisy Neighbors

If you have noisy neighbours, the first step is to try and talk to them directly. If that doesn’t work, or if the noise is unbearable, you can write a complaint letter to your landlord.

In the letter, be sure to include:

You should keep a copy of the letter for your records. Be sure to send it by certified mail so that you have proof that it was sent and received.

Neighbor Apartment Noise Complaint Letter: How to Write and What to Include

Living in an apartment complex can be convenient and enjoyable, but it can also have its share of problems. One of the most common issues apartment dwellers face is noise disturbance from neighbors. Whether it’s loud music, barking dogs, or shouting matches, excessive noise can cause sleepless nights and undue stress. Consider writing a noise complaint letter if you’re experiencing noise issues from a neighboring apartment. In this article, we’ll discuss the critical elements of a well-crafted noise complaint letter, provide you with some sample formats, and offer tips on handling the situation.

Identify the Problem

Before you write your noise complaint letter, it’s essential to identify the problem as clearly as possible. You’ll want to include specific details about the noise, such as when it occurs, how long it lasts, and how it impacts your daily life. Be sure to keep a record of the disturbances, including the dates and times they occur so that you can refer to them in your letter.

Start with a Friendly Tone

While you may be frustrated and upset by the noise, keeping your tone friendly and professional in your complaint letter is essential. Remember, your goal is to resolve the problem, not to start a feud with your neighbor. Start by politely greeting the recipient, and thank them for their attention to the matter.

State the Problem Clearly

After you’ve established a friendly tone, it’s time to get down to the heart of the matter. State the problem clearly and concisely, using specific examples of the noise disturbances you’ve experienced. Avoid exaggerating or embellishing the situation; stick to the facts and let them speak for themselves.

Offer Possible Solutions

When writing your noise complaint letter, it’s a good idea to offer possible solutions. This shows you’re willing to work with your neighbor to find a resolution that benefits both parties. Some potential solutions include setting a specific time for quiet hours, moving speakers or furniture away from shared walls, or investing in noise-canceling headphones.

Include Consequences

Sometimes, your neighbor may not take your complaint seriously or refuse to cooperate. In these situations, it’s essential to include consequences for continued noise disturbances. This could include involving building management, contacting the police, or pursuing legal action if necessary. Be sure to state these consequences clearly, but avoid making threats or using aggressive language.

TEMPLATE Letter #1


(Name of the Landlord)____________


Reg.: Disturbance from neighbour’s side.

I am writing to make a complaint about the noisy neighbour in the apartment next to me. For the past few weeks/months, they have been making excessively loud noise at all hours of the day and night. This has made it very difficult for me to get a good night’s sleep, and has been a general nuisance.

I have asked them to keep the noise down on several occasions, but they have not complied. I would appreciate it if you could speak to them about this issue and ask them to be more considerate of their neighbour’s living situation. Thank you for your time.

(Name of the Tenant)

(Mob No.)


To Whom it May Concern,

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint about the noise levels coming from the neighbour’s apartment. For the past few weeks/months, there has been a constant noise that has been disrupting my peace and quiet. It is preventing me from studying/sleeping/relaxing in my own home.

I have tried to speak to the neighbour about the noise, but they have not been receptive. I would appreciate it if you could please address this issue as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time,

(Name of the Tenant)


In conclusion, writing a neighbor’s apartment noise complaint letter can be tricky. However, by following the proper format and being clear and concise in your communication, you can effectively convey your concerns and resolve the issue. Remember to be respectful and considerate in your tone, and provide specific details to support your complaint.

If you do not receive a satisfactory response to your initial complaint letter, you may need to escalate the issue to the landlord or property management company. It is essential to keep a record of all communication and to follow up regularly until the issue is resolved.

We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights and guidance on writing an effective neighbor apartment noise complaint letter. Following these tips can increase the chances of a positive outcome and ultimately enjoy a more peaceful living environment.