Low Dose HCG Patient Instructions

If you have questions, please call us at 216-285-5028, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. If you need assistance over the weekend, call the same number to reach our on-call doctor.

Low- Dose HCG (Pregnyl, HCG- 10,000IU)

Please disregard the printed instructions on the box of HCG
This medication should be prepared and administered as follows.

Storage: Store at room temperature until reconstituted- following reconstitution, solution is stable when refrigerated.

Special Considerations: Rotate injection sites.

Supplies: 10 mL syringe to mix low dose HCG, 22 gauge 1½ inch needle to mix low dose HCG, BD insulin syringe microfine 28 gauge ½ inch 0.5 mL to inject HCG, alcohol swabs.


  1. Wash your hands and work on a clean, dry surface.
  2. Remove the plastic caps, then clean off the rubber tops of the two vials with an alcohol swab.
  3. You will use a 10 mL syringe with a 1 ½ inch needle attached to prepare HCG.
  4. Draw 10 mL of air into the syringe by pulling back on the plunger.
  5. Stick the needle into the vial of solvent (liquid) through the rubber stopper and inject 10 mL of air into the vial.
    Now turn the vial upside down to withdraw 10 mL of solvent (liquid) into the syringe. You may need to adjust the needle to assure the tip of the needle is below the line of the solvent (liquid) into the powdered HCG.
  6. Inject the 10 mL of solvent (liquid) into the powdered HCG.
  7. Withdraw the needle from the vial and gently swirl the vial until the powder is completely dissolved.
  8. Your medication is now properly mixed and you may dispose the empty vial of solvent (liquid).
  9. Your vial of HCG must be refrigerated from this point forward.


  1. Clean off the rubber stopper with an alcohol swab.
  2. Using an orange capped insulin syringe, withdraw 5 units of HCG from the vial.
  3. Choose an injection site on your abdomen (see image).
  4. Clean site with an alcohol swab and let dry.
  5. Pinch your skin, insert needle straight in and inject the medication. Wait a few seconds before removing the needle from your skin.
  6. Discard the needle, never re-use needles or syringes.
  7. Return vial of HCG into the refrigerator until next use.